Yesterday I was in a car accident. Nothing major, really it was hardly even a fender bender. And I was totally fine, the lady I bumped into was a snarling cunt like I had made it my mission that day to fuck her car up. Which was awesome considering her car had nothing wrong with it aside from some scratches on the bumper and the car I was driving, not mine mind you, had a caved in front plate and slight hood raising. To top it all off I am completely calm and resigned with how this is going to float back with the car owner when the officers show up. And I fall apart like hot fondant.
I literally started crying when the officer talked to me. Granted it was the first car accident I'd ever been in while driving, and it was not my vehicle, and I was on the return of a long car trip; but still. I did what I always laughed at girls on TV for doing, and that's legitimately crying in front of officers. Although I did try and hide it. Which I think made them more keen to comforting me, because both of them were really hip on assuring me that everything would be all right and no one was hurt and these things happen every day! Seriously, both of them must have said those exact same sentences three times a piece. At least. And I kept nodding. And then they even joked with me to get me to smile.
So I wonder, why is it some people look totally adorable when they cry and others look like they just squeezed a lemon out their nose? And I mean adorable. So cute you want to give them a cookie and a pat on their head. And if they are the others, then they look like they just got stung by something their allergic too. Their face puffs up like Will Smith in Hitch and you wonder what in the hell happened. Do they have the mumps? Are they a demon straight out of Angel and they're shedding their mortal flesh sack so you can gaze upon their fearsome complexion?
I mean, really? Where in evolution did we decide that being cute should hitch onto crying? If you're cute, you should be cute when you cry! Damn It!! And how to you explain the pretty people who are all "Ooh La La >;)~" and then they cry and they become "DAMN! D:"
The ever entertaining ramblings, litany of misdeeds and cantankerous bitchings. Genius? Pyschopath? You decide...
Gamers: Know Your Rights

Saturday, November 13, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
It Came From Below The Sink
Woke up groggy. Tried to nap. My body thought this was hilarious and the moment I laid down it was instantly alert and energized. Fucker. Noticed there was this funny smell. Couldn't place it. It just smelled bad. Not the garbage, not the bathroom, not the laundry, wasn't coming from the out of doors. Bailed out to go grocery shopping to fill my poor empty fridge. Came back and that damn smell was still there. Went to get something from underneath my kitchen sink, only to discover the source of the smell. I'm not sure how long this had been building up, but damn. As it turns out, whatever you pour down the sink doesn't go down the drain. It empties out into the cupboard below the sink. Yummeh!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Note From A Friend
Although I don't know you extremely well... over the course of the year I couldn't help but pick up on your fascination for blood and guts because it always makes me laugh... I know you like Monty Python and because of you I now know who Monty Python is and now I like him too... You strike me as the type of person open to diverse personalities accompanied by a unique one of your own... I'm sure your brains will take you far and you will bring about your own success. May your road of life be long, ever prosperous, and enjoyable...
Sadly I cannot remember who wrote this. And they neither signed nor dated it, so I cannot place from when or where its from. Save to say I still appreciate your kind words, whomever you are.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Yard Sale

Had a yard sale to fund my upcoming trip to England. It was EXHAUSTING. I like yard sales, but I've never hosted one. Turns out, I don't like yard selling. haha Its very weird to see your entire life laid out to sell. Saw some interesting sites to say the least.

This sign sat at the edge of the yard all day. It said 'pray' so I slapped on a symbol of my faith. Didn't specifically say to whom I should be praying. Tch tch tch.

Slushie!! Dude, cherry slushies are the sex. And you can't beat $1.

Fire Department drove by checking the hydrants. Also scoped the sale. Awesome.

And then the cops showed up... o__O

Yes, that's right. Cop at the yard sale. No worries, he wasn't there for us. He was there for the neighbors. ^^
All in all it was a very eventful weekend. Very long and tiring, but good.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Industrial Part Deux
Monday, September 20, 2010
Attack of the Cat: E4
Feeling rather fresh today. Spending time going through more things and rewinding kids movies. Its such an interesting shock to see the difference in quality between tape, dvd and blu-ray. I'm enjoying the contrasts.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Attack of the Cat: E3
So it has been a VERY long while since I wrote anything. I broke the screen to my laptop, and as that's the main computer I use its put me in a bit of a bind. I have ordered a new one, so we should be back to the rigmarole by October 1st.
I've changed locales for now. Getting ready for a big move. Won't tell you where just yet. Getting some local photos taken of my current Florida location before I escape into the wild blue yonder. Packing things and prepping for the "Here is Your Life... In a Box" yard sale. haha Also watching as much of my Netflix before my eyes fall out and bleed as I can. Currently "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" with Noomi Rapace. So dreading the American version. And on that note, "Let Me In". Producers should have to serve jail time for bad remakes.
Cut myself some bangs tonight. I'm back in black, with long hair this time. Looking pretty fashionable if I do say so myself.
I've changed locales for now. Getting ready for a big move. Won't tell you where just yet. Getting some local photos taken of my current Florida location before I escape into the wild blue yonder. Packing things and prepping for the "Here is Your Life... In a Box" yard sale. haha Also watching as much of my Netflix before my eyes fall out and bleed as I can. Currently "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" with Noomi Rapace. So dreading the American version. And on that note, "Let Me In". Producers should have to serve jail time for bad remakes.
Cut myself some bangs tonight. I'm back in black, with long hair this time. Looking pretty fashionable if I do say so myself.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Celtic Zodiac
October 28 – November 24 Sign: Reed (Ngetal)
The Fire Festival of Samhain
Symbol: The White Hound or the Stone
Ruling Planet: Pluto - Pwyll
Celtic Gods: Dis, Pwyll, Arwan
Reed signs among the Celtic tree astrology signs are the secret keepers. You dig deep inside to the real meaning of things and discover the truth hidden beneath layers of distraction. When there is a need to get to the heart of the matter, most certainly the Reed sign will find the core. You love a good story, and can be easily drawn in by gossip, scandals, legend and lore. These tendencies also make you an excellent historian, journalist, detective or archeologist. You love people because they represent a diversity of meanings for you to interpret. You are adept at coaxing people to talking to you, and sometimes you can be a bit manipulative. However, you have a strong sense of truth and honor so most of your scheming is harmless. Reed people join well with other Reeds, Ash or Oak signs.
Moon In Leo
Proud, benevolent, generous, creative and jolly. Craves to be noticed and appreciated, cannot bear to stay in the shadow or be criticized.
In the depths of their souls, these people know they are true nobility, perhaps even royalty or monarchs. They know for certain that they were born different to others and only some outrageous injustice has destined them to live in a small flat instead of a palace. Yet even in these circumstances the Moon in Leo tries hard to create a decent and elegant lifestyle. He or she insists on buying clothes and items which are special in some way, and enjoys throwing a party and having guests at home an easy way, perhaps, for them to show their true colours.
Leo Moons are proud of their children, who they naturally assume have remarkable talents that distinguish them from others, and as parents they are happy to spend whatever it takes to discover and develop their kids' talents. They can also be big spenders when it comes to buying clothes, both for themselves and their children. Wearing rags is not for nobles! Moon in Leo individuals often have good taste, especially with clothes and food, and this is frequently the result of their own parents' influence. Even if they don't have any creative talents of their own, which is highly unusual, they are still interested in arts, theatre and fashion, and they undoubtedly have their own distinct opinions about these, and all other subjects.
Playing, celebrating and partying are the best ways for Moon in Leo people to restore their energy after periods of stress. For good self-esteem, every now and again they also need to be viewed, appreciated, and adored.
If they don't have enough love in their life, Moon Leos can have problems with their heart, circulatory system or their general levels of physical energy. Problems with vision are also quite typical. Many Moon Leos tend to have some sort of difficulty in their relationships with their own children, perhaps because they are so eager to spoil them.
Moon in Leo Celebrities
Gordon Brown, Clint Eastwood, Jane Fonda, Mohandas Gandhi, Rudy Giuliani, Paul Hogan, Queen Elizabeth II, Julia Roberts, Carlos Santana, Paramahansa Yogananda.
October 28 – November 24 Sign: Reed (Ngetal)
The Fire Festival of Samhain
Symbol: The White Hound or the Stone
Ruling Planet: Pluto - Pwyll
Celtic Gods: Dis, Pwyll, Arwan
Reed signs among the Celtic tree astrology signs are the secret keepers. You dig deep inside to the real meaning of things and discover the truth hidden beneath layers of distraction. When there is a need to get to the heart of the matter, most certainly the Reed sign will find the core. You love a good story, and can be easily drawn in by gossip, scandals, legend and lore. These tendencies also make you an excellent historian, journalist, detective or archeologist. You love people because they represent a diversity of meanings for you to interpret. You are adept at coaxing people to talking to you, and sometimes you can be a bit manipulative. However, you have a strong sense of truth and honor so most of your scheming is harmless. Reed people join well with other Reeds, Ash or Oak signs.
Moon In Leo
Proud, benevolent, generous, creative and jolly. Craves to be noticed and appreciated, cannot bear to stay in the shadow or be criticized.
In the depths of their souls, these people know they are true nobility, perhaps even royalty or monarchs. They know for certain that they were born different to others and only some outrageous injustice has destined them to live in a small flat instead of a palace. Yet even in these circumstances the Moon in Leo tries hard to create a decent and elegant lifestyle. He or she insists on buying clothes and items which are special in some way, and enjoys throwing a party and having guests at home an easy way, perhaps, for them to show their true colours.
Leo Moons are proud of their children, who they naturally assume have remarkable talents that distinguish them from others, and as parents they are happy to spend whatever it takes to discover and develop their kids' talents. They can also be big spenders when it comes to buying clothes, both for themselves and their children. Wearing rags is not for nobles! Moon in Leo individuals often have good taste, especially with clothes and food, and this is frequently the result of their own parents' influence. Even if they don't have any creative talents of their own, which is highly unusual, they are still interested in arts, theatre and fashion, and they undoubtedly have their own distinct opinions about these, and all other subjects.
Playing, celebrating and partying are the best ways for Moon in Leo people to restore their energy after periods of stress. For good self-esteem, every now and again they also need to be viewed, appreciated, and adored.
If they don't have enough love in their life, Moon Leos can have problems with their heart, circulatory system or their general levels of physical energy. Problems with vision are also quite typical. Many Moon Leos tend to have some sort of difficulty in their relationships with their own children, perhaps because they are so eager to spoil them.
Moon in Leo Celebrities
Gordon Brown, Clint Eastwood, Jane Fonda, Mohandas Gandhi, Rudy Giuliani, Paul Hogan, Queen Elizabeth II, Julia Roberts, Carlos Santana, Paramahansa Yogananda.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
The Use of Psychoactives in Ritual
"I am just reading my books on paganism/wicca and I came accross a chapter in Margot Adler's 'Drawing Down The Moon' called the ''Interview with a Modern Witch''. The woman interviewed is Sharon Devlin-member of the craft. She states that paganism today is lacking music, rhythm, dance and psychogenetic drugs. She also says that we have to bring those ecstatic states again by ritual drunkennes and sex, which was an essential to the rites in ancient times... The best part is that she blames Christianity'' for fear of ecstatic states, fear of intelligent use of hallucinogens, fear of intelligent and sensitive use of sexuality to produce extasy...'' I agree with the part about sexuality to certain degree. I am totaly against drugs and I am not a Christian. I go for rituals performed in the most pure, natural state. I don't have to be halucinating to reach my Goddess.
PLS Shere your opinions......"
First, let me say that the use of the word “drug” is wrong in this instance. Simply put crack is not the same as peyote. Never has been, never will be. To group them together is wrong and it implies that certain substances are bad by association. We would never tell someone in severe pain that they can’t have morphine simply because there are people out there without enough willpower to not use or get off of the medication and subsequently abuse it. So to group them together is just, to me, poorly informed or ill-educated.
There are some substances that can be used in ritual, and I choose to separate these substances under the title of Psycho-Active Substances. To me this implies that it is more for medicinal – and by this I mean medicine for the spirit – use. Psycho like psyche the “above mind” and active, just that. A stimulation of the higher self if you will.
I think that if you are comfortable using them (PAS) then by all means feel free. However, as the title implies I do not think that you should be slathering it on, or drinking it down every time you have circle. Also I think that there should be age limits, much like the one America uses for tobacco and alcohol. Again, willpower and intelligence are needed, and from what I have seen are used in regards to these substances.
Secondly, there is recorded evidence of real witches using PAS since the middle ages. The first known case we have of this comes from approximately 1450 in the form of Flying Ointment to be used in pagan rituals, specifically those of witches, and was made up of solanaceous herbs. In fact one such recipe indicates that you would use Henbane, Wolfsbane, Belladonna and Hemlock in a mixture boiled in animal fat – usually toads known for their hallucinogenic toxic production.
So to state that “Real Witches” would/have never used PAS shows a poor witch, or one who is just too lazy to actually do some research into their (and by this I mean witches as a whole) past. And yes, I do feel that if you state you are a witch, you are obligated to go out and look at your own history – that however is a personal stance, but so far it has helped me pick out the real from the fad.
Now on the point of sex in ritual, I do not understand how or why one who calls themselves a witch would be against it. As anyone I have ever known who has participated in a Beltane ritual has performed accordingly; whether as a solitary, or within a coven. This is one of the reasons most Beltane circles are closed to members who aren’t part of the coven and the vast majority separate the daytime celebrations from the evening, especially festivals occurring around this time – at least the ones I’ve been to and have heard of friends participating in.
So the fact that sex in ritual would now be something to worry about baffles me. This said I would have to go with my previous statement of “intelligence and willpower.” As for the age limit on sex – it’s a no brainer.
As for the issue of liking/agreeing with Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler, I’d have to say that I really did enjoy this book. For me it was a way of looking into the past and seeing the struggle for Paganism to be recognized in its many facets (Druid, Wiccan, Hindu, etc etc) as a valid religious/spiritual choice. You also have to remember that you DON’T have to agree with what was said or done. Whether you live in American land of the free, or any other democratic society, or even any modern society you have a right to believe as you see fit so long as it doesn’t hurt someone else. This means everyone has the RIGHT to their own opinion.
That is what is so great about our time NOW. What Adler, Budapest, Starhawk, Crowley, Gardner, Buckland, Valiente worked their asses off for – our right to pick and choose what we want to learn. This is WHY we have so many different authors out there. I don’t know about you, but every book I have in my collection tells you point blank: “I am not saying that you HAVE to do it like this, choose what WORKS FOR YOU.” For instance, my friend loves Silver Ravenwolf – to me she is a preachy mom and gets on my nerves. Do I like everything she says? Hell No! Some of her points are valid; some of them are batshit crazy to me. I still read all her books though, regardless of how I feel about what she has to say on certain issues.
And personally – I don’t really like the tone of “if you use drugs or have sex you’re a bad person because my mommy told me so.” I think that attitude is part of the PROBLEM we have today. I think that if you are not comfortable doing it – you should not do it, but if you are myself and no one else has the right to tell you “you are wrong” just because we don’t agree. In my opinion that is a very Christian (Christian not the same as Christ Follower) attitude, and I just don’t like it.
If you don’t agree, disagree, but do not lord your opinion all over everywhere with a Holier-Than-Thou stance just because you don’t like it. I love dill pickles, but I hate sweet pickles. Am I going to stone your ass because you don’t eat dill pickles – noooo, am I going to give you a weird look and stare at you while you eat them – yes I do it much to the chagrin of my friends every time they eat them on their sandwiches. But I’m not going to JUDGE you for eating them.
Eight words the Witches Rede fulfill, An it harm none do what ye will. I’d say that’s a damn valid point myself.
PLS Shere your opinions......"
First, let me say that the use of the word “drug” is wrong in this instance. Simply put crack is not the same as peyote. Never has been, never will be. To group them together is wrong and it implies that certain substances are bad by association. We would never tell someone in severe pain that they can’t have morphine simply because there are people out there without enough willpower to not use or get off of the medication and subsequently abuse it. So to group them together is just, to me, poorly informed or ill-educated.
There are some substances that can be used in ritual, and I choose to separate these substances under the title of Psycho-Active Substances. To me this implies that it is more for medicinal – and by this I mean medicine for the spirit – use. Psycho like psyche the “above mind” and active, just that. A stimulation of the higher self if you will.
I think that if you are comfortable using them (PAS) then by all means feel free. However, as the title implies I do not think that you should be slathering it on, or drinking it down every time you have circle. Also I think that there should be age limits, much like the one America uses for tobacco and alcohol. Again, willpower and intelligence are needed, and from what I have seen are used in regards to these substances.
Secondly, there is recorded evidence of real witches using PAS since the middle ages. The first known case we have of this comes from approximately 1450 in the form of Flying Ointment to be used in pagan rituals, specifically those of witches, and was made up of solanaceous herbs. In fact one such recipe indicates that you would use Henbane, Wolfsbane, Belladonna and Hemlock in a mixture boiled in animal fat – usually toads known for their hallucinogenic toxic production.
So to state that “Real Witches” would/have never used PAS shows a poor witch, or one who is just too lazy to actually do some research into their (and by this I mean witches as a whole) past. And yes, I do feel that if you state you are a witch, you are obligated to go out and look at your own history – that however is a personal stance, but so far it has helped me pick out the real from the fad.
Now on the point of sex in ritual, I do not understand how or why one who calls themselves a witch would be against it. As anyone I have ever known who has participated in a Beltane ritual has performed accordingly; whether as a solitary, or within a coven. This is one of the reasons most Beltane circles are closed to members who aren’t part of the coven and the vast majority separate the daytime celebrations from the evening, especially festivals occurring around this time – at least the ones I’ve been to and have heard of friends participating in.
So the fact that sex in ritual would now be something to worry about baffles me. This said I would have to go with my previous statement of “intelligence and willpower.” As for the age limit on sex – it’s a no brainer.
As for the issue of liking/agreeing with Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler, I’d have to say that I really did enjoy this book. For me it was a way of looking into the past and seeing the struggle for Paganism to be recognized in its many facets (Druid, Wiccan, Hindu, etc etc) as a valid religious/spiritual choice. You also have to remember that you DON’T have to agree with what was said or done. Whether you live in American land of the free, or any other democratic society, or even any modern society you have a right to believe as you see fit so long as it doesn’t hurt someone else. This means everyone has the RIGHT to their own opinion.
That is what is so great about our time NOW. What Adler, Budapest, Starhawk, Crowley, Gardner, Buckland, Valiente worked their asses off for – our right to pick and choose what we want to learn. This is WHY we have so many different authors out there. I don’t know about you, but every book I have in my collection tells you point blank: “I am not saying that you HAVE to do it like this, choose what WORKS FOR YOU.” For instance, my friend loves Silver Ravenwolf – to me she is a preachy mom and gets on my nerves. Do I like everything she says? Hell No! Some of her points are valid; some of them are batshit crazy to me. I still read all her books though, regardless of how I feel about what she has to say on certain issues.
And personally – I don’t really like the tone of “if you use drugs or have sex you’re a bad person because my mommy told me so.” I think that attitude is part of the PROBLEM we have today. I think that if you are not comfortable doing it – you should not do it, but if you are myself and no one else has the right to tell you “you are wrong” just because we don’t agree. In my opinion that is a very Christian (Christian not the same as Christ Follower) attitude, and I just don’t like it.
If you don’t agree, disagree, but do not lord your opinion all over everywhere with a Holier-Than-Thou stance just because you don’t like it. I love dill pickles, but I hate sweet pickles. Am I going to stone your ass because you don’t eat dill pickles – noooo, am I going to give you a weird look and stare at you while you eat them – yes I do it much to the chagrin of my friends every time they eat them on their sandwiches. But I’m not going to JUDGE you for eating them.
Eight words the Witches Rede fulfill, An it harm none do what ye will. I’d say that’s a damn valid point myself.
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