Had a yard sale to fund my upcoming trip to England. It was EXHAUSTING. I like yard sales, but I've never hosted one. Turns out, I don't like yard selling. haha Its very weird to see your entire life laid out to sell. Saw some interesting sites to say the least.

This sign sat at the edge of the yard all day. It said 'pray' so I slapped on a symbol of my faith. Didn't specifically say to whom I should be praying. Tch tch tch.

Slushie!! Dude, cherry slushies are the sex. And you can't beat $1.

Fire Department drove by checking the hydrants. Also scoped the sale. Awesome.

And then the cops showed up... o__O

Yes, that's right. Cop at the yard sale. No worries, he wasn't there for us. He was there for the neighbors. ^^
All in all it was a very eventful weekend. Very long and tiring, but good.
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